Top 10 High-Calorie Foods That Help Gain Healthy Weight


odybuilding and weight gaining are determined mainly by 3 factors:

  • Genetics
  • Food 
  • Activity choices that you make.

You may not be able to change your basic body type, but with consistent weight training and high-calorie diet intake, it is possible for underweight people to gain weight. While most diets focus on reducing the waistline, there are many that try to do the opposite. Just like how there are people who struggle to shed pounds, there are underweight people struggling to put on weight. One should be at a consistent caloric surplus where you are consuming more calories than you burn off in order to gain weight.

A healthy weight gain must comprise of muscle mass while putting on minimum amounts of body fat. A calorie-dense food which contains essential vitamins and minerals will aid in the promotion of healthy weight gain as opposed to gaining unhealthy weight (fat mass) by consuming calorie-filled, unhealthy junk foods.

If you think, you have tried all the diet challenge, and yet not found any good weight gain result, it is purely because you have been doing wrong diet practices like:

  • Eating high-calorie, low-nutrient junk food which leads to the fat body.

  • Eating low-calorie foods in low proportions.

High-calorie foods are ideal for both men and women who are trying to gain weight. But, if you are eating too many high-calorie foods without exercising, you are at risk of becoming overweight. That said, let’s go over what high-calorie foods are good to eat for weight and muscle gain. Your weight gain diet must include an adequate and proportionate amount of carb, fat and protein to aid in muscle development and to build good body mass. To put on half a pound to one pound a week, you need to consume an average of 250 to 500 calories more than you burn daily.

This article will detail the top 10 high-calorie healthy foods that help you to put on functional weight with maximum muscle gain and minimal fat.


Besides being calorie-dense, avocados boast an excellent nutrient profile. Avocado contains a higher percentage of fats of up to 77% which is much higher than any other fruits. While many different factors can affect weight gain, the biggest factor is the number of calories you eat. The rich creamy and silky-textured avocados are fairly calorie-dense that makes it top the list of a high-calorie diet. A single avocado contains 322 calories, 29g fat, 17g carbs, 4g of protein, and 13g fibre.

Avocados are the best source of potassium and it is said that it contains up to 40% more potassium than a banana. Consuming one avocado per day can add to calories, help strengthen your immunity, improve your energy levels, which comes with proper nutrition and good food habits.

Avocados are rich in healthy fats, vitamins like A, C, E, K and B6, Magnesium, potassium and sodium. They are packed with fibre and monounsaturated fats that are good for heart health.

  • NUTS

Nuts are a calorie and nutrient-dense option for those looking to gain weight. Being high in proteins, fat and fibre, nuts can boost your overall caloric intake. A handful of nuts provides between 128-204 calories. Apart from adding to your high-calorie goals, the nuts provide with an array of health benefits, including the promotion of heart and immune health. Nuts make a great snack between meals providing an outsized amount of calories, protein and fat that makes for the perfect combination for muscle production and healthy weight gain. A handful of almonds contains close to 160 calories, 6 g of protein and 15g of fat. Similarly, a serving of pistachio nuts provides 159 calories, 6g of protein, 13g of protein, 8g of carbs and 3g fibre.


Peanut butter is rich, creamy, delicious and forms a high-calorie diet. It provides 588 calories/100g, is loaded with protein and healthy fat that can aid in building muscle mass. The best fact about this superfood is that it is versatile. It can be consumed by mixing with shakes, smoothies, as a spread on bread, spoon it straight from the jar, making snacks out of it. When consumed in moderation, the nut butter may simply help maintain muscle mass, but when consumed regularly with other high-calorie meals, it can add to your calorie requirement and aid in weight gain. 2 tablespoons of peanut butter provide 9g protein, the amount found in one-ounce chicken. There are many varieties of peanut butter, choose the one that is natural as that of AS-IT-IS, which is made only from roasted peanut butter and is free of added sugar, salt or hydrogenated oils.


Dark chocolates are quite a calorie-dense food and are often touted as the healthiest of chocolates. Dark chocolate is a store-house of antioxidants, has a mood-boosting effect and is helpful in reducing bad cholesterol. A 100g serving of 85% dark chocolate has 600 calories, 46g of carb, 43g fat, and 8g protein. Along with high-calories, it comes with a decent amount of dietary fibre and is loaded with vital minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and many vitamins. Dark chocolates are the ultimate food to gain extra pounds. Yet, since its fats are mostly saturated and monounsaturated type, it needs to be consumed in moderation if you are consuming it regularly as a part of your weight-gain diet.


Oats although are well-recognized as diet food, they can help with weight gain, especially when used with whole milk. Whole grain oats have high nutritional content with a considerable amount of proteins, starch, unsaturated fatty acid, dietary fibre, consist of many vitamins and minerals, including phosphorus and magnesium. Phosphorus aids in energy production, while magnesium promotes good bone health. 100g of raw oats provide 390 calories, 17g protein, 66g carbs, 10.6g fibre and 6.9g fat.


Milk has always been the favourite food when it comes to gaining weight and muscles in the body. The calories in full-fat whole milk is an easy way to increase energy intake. Consumption of milk on a daily basis will help to gain weight in a healthy way. 1 litre of milk contains 420 calories, 50g carbs, 34g protein, 10g fat, a good source of vitamin A, vitamin D and calcium.


Bananas are loaded with dietary fibre, potassium, protein, vitamins A, C, folate and healthy fats. Consuming 1-2 bananas per day will keep your energy levels up, increase your stamina, and make your bones strong. You can consume banana with a cup of milk, and added nuts for a power-packed breakfast or make a smoothie with it and consume it post-workout to gain weight. 1 medium-sized banana provides 89 calories, 23g carbs, 1.1g protein, and 2.6g of fibre.


Brown rice is a healthier alternative to white rice and is certainly a worthy component of healthy weight gain. Brown rice retains the natural wheat germ and maintains more of the sources’ original nutritional content. It makes the list of the top 10 weight gain foods because it is a healthy source of energy-providing carbs. It is easy to incorporate rice into your meals. 100g brown rice has got 111 calories, 2.6g protein, and 23g carbs with health beneficial vitamins and minerals.


Extra virgin olive oil is one of the best edible oils high in nutrients and calories. It is high in vitamin k, vitamin E and is noted for its antioxidant properties. A tablespoon of olive oil contains 120 calories with 14g of fat and trace amounts of protein and carbs. The oil contains a high amount of unsaturated fatty acids that cause healthy weight gain and aid in reducing cholesterol levels. Adding a tablespoon of olive oil to protein shakes, salads, to every meal can soon help to add up to calorie count.


Finishing off the list of top 10 weight gain foods are potatoes. Potatoes, be it sweet potato or white potato are often recognized as carb-laden food. You can easily total up your calories by consuming potatoes regularly, which can lead to weight gain. Baked or steamed potatoes are a healthy way to consume potatoes, not fried ones. You can team up potatoes with cream, cheese or butter to top up on calories. The complex carbohydrate source provides the body with the much-needed energy and is stuffed with phytonutrients that are thought to promote health. 1 large potato amounts to 278 calories, 64g carbs, 0.4g fats, 8g dietary fibre and 7g protein, 1600 mg potassium.

Quinoa, eggs, cheese, starchy unrefined grains, beans, pasta, whole grain cereals, corn, mangoes, whole grain bread are some of the other sources of high-calorie foods.

No single food is responsible for weight gain, it’s your total calorie intake in relation to how many calories you burn is what determines your weight gain…

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